Tuesday 26 September
- US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley called on South Sudan’s leaders to achieve peace while urging the UN Security Council and regional actors to do more to resolve the country’s suffering.
Wednesday 27 September
- Salva Kiir ordered the country’s security organs to fully cooperate with the UN Regional Protection Force, saying initial differences over the airport had finally been resolved.
- David Shearer, head of UNMISS says the warring parties show “little interest in engaging in serious negotiations on the way forward.”
Thursday 28 September
- Salva Kiir blames members of the army and the police for the surging crime rates in Juba and other various areas in the country.
- New report from the Enough Project: “Breaking Out of the Spiral in South Sudan: Anti-Money Laundering, Network Sanctions, and a New Peacemaking Architecture”
Saturday 30 September
- The British Department for International Trade is investigating whether an arms export deal allegedly brokered by a British company, S-Profit Ltd, constitutes a breach of British arms export controls.
- PBS in-depth interview: “Meet an American citizen fighting with South Sudan’s rebels”
- Reuters: “The price of water: South Sudan’s capital goes thirsty as costs soar”
- Al Jazeera feature story: “A woman’s burden in war-torn South Sudan”
Sunday 1 October
- A cattle raid killed at least two people and injured seven others in Awerial North County, Lakes State.
Monday 2 October
- Four SPLA soldiers were killed in clashes with SPLA (IO) forces in Waat town, Jonglei State.
- Al Jazeera on ensuring girls’ education in Rumbek: “South Sudan schoolgirls resisting early marriage”
- IGAD released a timetable for the revitalization forum to start consultations with South Sudanese leaders this month.
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