Tuesday 28 November
- The US threatens to take further action against GoSS if it do not end violence and allow UNMISS to carry out their mission. US diplomat Nikki Haley tells the UN Security Council “words are no longer sufficient.”
- GoSS welcomed the announcement by the Government of Kenya that all citizens from East African countries, including South Sudan, are may enter Kenya without a visa.
- The Globe and Mail on the effects of sexual violence as a weapon of war: “Children of war: Carrying on with babies born of rape”
Wednesday 29 November
- Suspected Murle tribesmen attacked Duk Payuel, the headquarters of Duk County in Jonglei State, killing 69 people, including women, children and six local aid workers. The attack is the latest chapter in a chain of revenge attacks, cattle raiding, and child abduction in the area.
- Chatham House, expert comment: “How to Support South Sudan’s High Level Revitalization Forum”
Thursday 30 November
- The Troika countries issued a statement urging all conflict parties, especially the SPLA, to end hostilities as a sign of commitment to the High Level Revitalization Forum (HLRF).
Saturday 2 December
- GoSS has tacitly removed subsidies on fuel, a move many government officials attributed to the scarcity of hard currencies in the country.
Sunday 3 December
- The two opposition groups, the National People’s Alliance Forces (NPAF) and the South Sudanese Freedom Movement (SSFM) have reportedly merged and joined forces.
- Conflicting reports by the SPLA (IO) over alleged clashes in the area around Leer, Unity State between the opposition group and government forces.
Monday 4 December
- Despite the economic crisis, GoSS has spent ‘millions of dollars’ on Israeli surveillance drones and security cameras to fight crime in Juba.
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