Monday 1 October
- Sudan’s minister of foreign affairs Eldirdiri Mohamed Ahmed called on the UN to mandate a doubling of the prospective regional protection force to monitor the implementation of the South Sudan peace agreement.
- The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission lauded the release of all Prisoners of War and Political Detainees.
- President Kiir sacked the advisor on gender and human rights, Rachael Nyadak Paul. No immediate explanation was provided.
Tuesday 2 October
- President Kiir is renaming the SPLA to the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces.
Friday 5 October
- Medicins Sans Frontières returned to full services in Maban after having suspending its activities in July (see TWISS – week 29 and 30).
- Relief Web: “South Sudan: Physical Access Constraints Map as of 5 October 2018”.
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