Monday 21 January
- Inter-communal fighting in a South Sudanese refugee camp in Ethiopia. An unknown number of people were killed or injured, and thousands were displaced.
- President Kiir replaced the governor of Tonj state Anthony Bol Madut with Mathew Mathiang Magordit, and governor of Western Lakes state Matur Chut with John Deng Mamer. No reason was given to the replacements.
Tuesday 22 January
- The National Salvation Front reported clashes with the South Sudanese government forces in Central Equatoria.
Wednesday 23 January
- Due to the budget constraints mentioned in last week’s post, the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring, Verification Mechanism has not yet deployed any national monitors.
Thursday 24 January
- Oil production in Unity has resumed, and so far in 2019, Sudan has received $24 million in fees from the export of South Sudan oil.
- The Join Monitoring and Evaluation Commission urged partners of the peace agreement to implement the security arrangements of a unification of armed forces.
Friday 25 January
- President Kiir accused military leaders for being corrupt and for stealing food from their troops.
Sunday 27 January
- Media reports that South Sudanese fear leaving UN protected camps despite the revitalized peace agreement.
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