Monday 11 February
- The Minister of Labour, James Hoth Mai, said he will reform the civil service sector, with the primary aim of increasing youth employment.
Tuesday 12 February
- The UN reports a surge in violence in Yei State displacing 8000 people, where about 5000 have fled to the DRC.
- The Diplomat: “How China Came to Dominate South Sudan’s Oil”
Wednesday 13 February
- The Minister of Information, Michael Makuei, announced that the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) will deduct one day salary of civil servants to fund the implementation of the revitalised peace agreement.
- Close to 120 children soldiers were released from service by the South Sudan National Liberation Movement in Yambio, Western Equatoria. This brings the total number child soldiers freed since the conflict started to over 3 100, according to UNICEF.
- OCHA: “South Sudan: Humanitarian Access Snapshot”
- Report by Brian Adeba and the Enough Project Team: “A Hijacked State: Violent Kleptocracy in South Sudan”
Friday 15 February
- President Kiir replaced Major-General Chock-rach Angich with Major-General Rin Tueny Mabor as Chief of Military Intelligence.
- Vice News: “Key Rebel Leader in South Sudan’s Civil War Rejects Peace Deal, Won’t Lay Down Arms”
Saturday 16 February
- The South Sudan Opposition Alliance’s (SSOA) Acting Secretary for Information and Communication, Dei Tut, denied that the dissent within the SSOA is due to competition for the vice president position.
- UNMISS: “Protection of Civilians (PoC) Sites”
- Xinhua Net: “Conflict, Poverty, Hunger Fuel Child Marriages in South Sudan”
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