Tuesday 18 April
- Inflation is increasing rapidly as the South Sudanese Pounds (SSP) depreciated further against the US Dollars (USD) in the black market, hitting a new low at USD$1 to 162 SSP, from $1 to 145 SSP the week before.
Wednesday 19 April
- 16 MONUSCO staff were briefly held hostage by unarmed South Sudanese refugees in the Munigi base in eastern DRC. The refugees, most of which are former SPLA (IO) fighters, demanded to be sent to a third country in order to avoid forced return to South Sudan.
- Bloomberg, refugee stories from Leer, Unity State: “Famine-Stricken South Sudanese Hide in Swamps to Escape War”
Thursday 20 April
- Due to security concerns, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has reduced staff in Wau, and will operate only by helicopter in some locations in Greater Upper Nile Region.
- The SPLA (IO) admits losing control of Waat town, Jonglei State.
- Voice of America: “South Sudan Chaos Impedes Humanitarian Aid Work”
Friday 21 April
- The South Sudan Human Rights Observatory Group are overwhelmed with photos and witness testimonies documenting the attack by alleged government soldiers on Pajok during the first week of April. Meanwhile, ensuring accountability for war abuses remains one of biggest challenges for UNMISS.
- Local farmers in Maridi state in Western Equatoria, accused the SPLA of land grabbing.
Sunday 23 April
- South Sudanese judges calls for a strike, demanding improved working-conditions and the resignation of Chief Justice Chan Reech Madut.
- Heavy deployment of police and military forces in Juba ahead of planned judge strike and amidst increased tensions due to the deteriorating economy and unpaid salaries.
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