Through a series of short briefs on developments at state level since the start of the civil war in 2013 the team behind Monitoring South Sudan hopes to provide a more comprehensive overview of the nature of the conflict and the impact of violence. As always, through the commentary field we encourage our readers to provide further updates, information and analyses.

State Briefing: Lakes State

State Capitol: Rumbek Approximate Population: 695,730 Number of IDPs sheltering in the state: 137,500 Lakes State occupies approximately 40,235 sq km within the Greater Bahr el Gazal region and is bordered by Unity, Warrap, Jonglei and Western and Central Equatoria States. The majority of Lakes’ inhabitants are from the Dinka people, but Wulu county is mainly… Read more »

State Briefing: Central Equatoria State

Population: 1,103,592  State capital: Juba Internally Displaced People (IDP) sheltering in the state: 59,500 Central Equatoria State is the smallest state in South Sudan, but with the second highest population. The capital, Juba, is located in the state which has been a political and military battleground during the current conflict. The first signs of the violent… Read more »

State Briefing: Warrap State

Capital: Kuajok Approximate Population: 972,928. Internally Diplaced People (IDP) sheltering in the state: 8,800 Warrap State is located in the north of South Sudan, in the Greater Bahr el-Ghazal region. Warrap borders Abyei, a contested area between Sudan and South Sudan. The majority of Warrap’s inhabitants are Dinka, but Luo, Bongo and other smaller ethnic groups also… Read more »

State Briefing: Unity State

Capital: Bentiu Approximate Population: 585,801 Internally Displaced People (IDP) sheltering in the state: 265,500 While parts of South Sudan have been relatively calm in July, Unity State is still severely insecure.  In the last two weeks the agreement on cessation of hostilities has been violated by clashes between the SPLA and the SPLA-in-Opposition (SPLAiO) in… Read more »

Introducing State Briefings

Through a series of short briefs on developments at state level since the start of the civil war in 2013, the team behind Monitoring South Sudan hopes to provide a more comprehensive overview of the nature of the conflict and the impact of violence. As always, through the commentary field we encourage our readers to… Read more »

State Briefing: Upper Nile State

Capital: Malakal Approximate population: 964,353  Internally Displaced People (IDP) sheltering in Upper Nile: 194,200 Upper Nile State is situated in the north-east, bordering Ethiopia and Sudan. It is considered a marginalised state, heavily affected by decades of civil war and with poor infrastructure and accessibility (especially in the rainy season). Although imbuing areas around Renk… Read more »