This Week in South Sudan – Week 33 & 34

Dear Readers, please note that there will be no news update next week. We will be back on Monday 11 September with a two-week TWISS update for week 35 and 36.

Monday 14 August

Thursday 17 August

Friday 18 August

Saturday 19 August

Monday 21 August

Tuesday 22 August

Wednesday 23 August

  • Armed robberies have reportedly claimed at least 53 lives in Juba in August. Armed soldiers are allegedly the main perpetrators behind the recent crime wave in the capital. 

Thursday 24 August

  • The Special Envoy for South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom, warned that the conflict will worsen if serious issues are left unaddressed before the planned 2018 elections, saying GoSS has only “created an appearance of reconciliation efforts.”
  • Reuters, in-depth coverage on internally displaced people in Wau “Church offers age-old sanctuary to South Sudan’s dispossessed”
  • Deutsche Welle, interview with President Salva Kiir: “South Sudan President Salva Kiir downplays refugee crisis”

Friday 25 August

Sunday 27 August

This Week in South Sudan – Week 32


Dear Readers, please note that there will be no news update next week. We will be back on Monday August 28 with a two-week TWISS update for week 33 and 34.

Monday 7 August

Tuesday 8 August

Wednesday 9 August

  • Reuters: “Long road to recovery for South Sudan’s youngest”

Thursday 10 August

Friday 11 August

This Week in South Sudan – Week 31

 Monday 31 July

 Tuesday 1 August

Wednesday 2 August

 Thursday 3 August

Friday 4 August

 Saturday 5 August

Sunday 6 August

This Week in South Sudan – Week 30

Wednesday 26 July

  • The Government of South Sudan (GoSS) stated that the proposed revitalization forum by IGAD would not be a platform for renegotiation of the 2015 peace agreement.
  • The Guardian on unaccompanied refugee children: “South Sudan: ‘When we came home for lunch our parents had been killed’

Thursday 27 July

Friday 28 July

Saturday 29 July

Sunday 30 July

This Week in South Sudan – Week 29

 Tuesday 18 July

Thursday 20 July

Friday 21 July

 Saturday 22 July

Sunday 23 July

Monday 24 July

This Week in South Sudan – Week 28

Monday 10 July

 Tuesday 11 July

Wednesday 12 July

  • The Government of South Sudan (GoSS) announced plans to remove a fuel subsidy; sparking fear such a move could increase prices of basic commodities further.
  • Financial Times: “China backs economic power with political muscle in Africa”

 Thursday 13 July

Friday 14 July

  • The UN is considering opening a peacekeeping base in Yei, Central Equatoria State. It would be the UN’s first such expansion in South Sudan since the civil war began in 2013.
  • SPLM (IO) leader, Riek Machar appointed four governors in the newly created states of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Lol, Warrap and Gbudue State.
  • Reuters photo story on Ana Taban “South Sudanese youth turn to art to push for peace”

Saturday 15 July

Sunday 16 July

  • More than 19 people were killed in a cattle raid carried out by suspected Murle youth on Kolmarek village, Jonglei State.

This Week in South Sudan – Week 27

Monday 3 July

  • Al Jazeera: “South Sudan’s Wau: Fear and displacement one year on”

Tuesday 4 July

Wednesday 5 July

Thursday 6 July

Friday 7 July

Saturday 8 July

  • At least five people were killed and six children abducted in separate attacks on Bor North and Twic South Counties, Jonglei State. 

Sunday 9 July

  • The Washington Post: “On South Sudan’s sixth birthday, here are 6 things you should know”

This Week in South Sudan – Week 26

Wednesday 28 June

  • The Government of South Sudan (GoSS) denies closure of embassies abroad, saying it has routinely recalled the heads of diplomatic missions in seven countries as the period of their assignments have ended.

Thursday 29 June

  • GoSS said it could deny humanitarian aid workers access to rebel-held areas due to security concerns. The comment follows UN complaints against blockage of aid deliveries to certain areas in the southern Equatoria region.

Friday 30 June

Saturday 1 July

Sunday 2 July

This Week in South Sudan – Week 25

Tuesday 20 June

Wednesday 21 June

Thursday 22 June

  • At least 35 people were killed during inter-communal clashes between Rup and Pakam communities of Rumbek Central county in Lakes State.
  • SPLA (IO) General Okot David Awai has reportedly defected to SPLA (IO) led by Taban Deng Gai along with 9 other officers. The SPLA (IO) led by Riek Machar confirms the General’s defection but denies reports of further defection from Magwi county, Eastern Equatoria State.
  • France 24 ‘Focus Programme’ reporting from both sides of the conflict and interviewing Jonathan Pedneault “South Sudan: A rare look at both sides of the civil war”

Friday 23 June

  • At least 30 people have been killed in inter-communal clashes between armed youth from the Atuot and Aliap communities in Lakes State.
  • Government forces claim to have regained control of Kaya town, Central Equatoria State following clashes with the SPLA (IO).
  • The SPLA denies that Mathiang Anyoor, the armed group loyal to Paul Malong Awan, withdrew from the frontlines after the former SPLA chief of general staff was dismissed.
  • The Guardian: “’I buried my smallest child under a bush’: starvation and sorrow in South Sudan”

Saturday 24 June

This Week in South Sudan – Week 24

Monday 12 June

Tuesday 13 June

Wednesday 14 June

Thursday 15 June

  • The Guardian, in-depth “No food, no money: conflict and chaos as South Sudan grapples with famine”

Saturday 17 June

  • A second round of consultations between SPLM factions in Uganda ended. The meeting concluding with mandating President Museveni to consult further with other groups, including SPLM (IO) led by Riek Machar, Thomas Cirillo and former Western Equatoria Governor, Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro. The aim is to include these groups in the next consultation meeting scheduled for July.

Sunday 18 June