This Week in South Sudan – Week 5

Monday 30 January

  • The Government of South Sudan says establishing the proposed hybrid courts would undermine the peace process. 

Tuesday 31 January

Wednesday 1 February

Thursday 2 February

Friday 3 February

  • According to diplomats, UNMISS may be targeted early in an upcoming review process as U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, is under pressure to cut US contribution to UN peacekeeping operations.
  • Voice of America: “‘Mother’ of South Sudan Says Genocide Looming”

Saturday 4 February

Sunday 5 February

  • Several experts have cautioned against placing South Sudan under UN trusteeship, saying the country is not yet at the level that calls for international custodianship.
  • Government and opposition forces have traded accusations over attacks on various positions in Upper Nile State.
  • Al Jazeera: “Thousands killed in cattle raids since 2011”

This Week in South Sudan – Week 4

Monday 23 January

  • The New York Times: “Quandary in South Sudan: Should It Lose Its Hard-Won Independence?”

 Tuesday 24 January

  • South Sudan’s ambassador to Ethiopia dismissed reports that relations are strained between the two countries after President Salva Kiir visited Egypt and met with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi earlier this month.
  • A senior SPLA (IO) general, Brig. Gen. John Goarguen Gai, reportedly defected together with over 170 soldiers to the SPLA (IO) faction led by Taban Deng Gai.
  • The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) urged the U.N Security Council to quickly deploy the 4,000-strong Regional Protection Force.
  • Norwegian Refugee Council: “More refugees flee to Uganda than across Mediterranean”
    • The Guardian: “Uganda’s sprawling haven for 270,000 of South Sudan’s refugees”
    • Voice of America: “Uganda Welcomes More Refugees Daily Than Some in Europe Annually, Charity Says”

Wednesday 25 January

  • The Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) reported that one of its Opposition Liaison Officers had been killed near Wau town.

Thursday 26 January

  • Former SPLA Chief of Staff, General Oyai Deng Ajak, denied allegations that he has rebelled against the SPLM/A. It remains unclear which rebel faction he has allegedly joined.

Friday 27 January

Saturday 28 January

Sunday 29 January

This Week in South Sudan – Week 3

Monday 16 January

  • The UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) vowed to find a solution to the issue of armed SPLA (IO) soldiers in eastern DRC.
  • Salva Kiir has formed a committee to visit Maban area and investigate the recent clashes between the host community and Sudanese refugees that killed 30 people.

Tuesday 17 January

Wednesday 18 January

Friday 20 January

  • The UNHCR increased its funding request for aid operations in South Sudan by more than 60 percent, to a total of USD $781.8 million, due to surge in violence and food shortages.
  • Salva Kiir has refused to place Juba International Airport under the Regional Protection Force’s mandate and control.
  • The New York Times: “South Sudan Cannot Be Allowed to Collapse”

Saturday 21 January

  • The new head of UNMISS and Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in South Sudan, David Shearer, has arrived in Juba.

This Week in South Sudan – Week 2

Monday 9 January

Tuesday 10 January

Wednesday 11 January

  • GOSS announced it will no longer accept the deployment of the UN Regional Protection Force, saying the security situation in the county has improved. They also argued that the UN Security Council resolution, under which the forces were to be deployed, has elapsed.
  • The SPLA collected over 1200 weapons during a house-to-house search in Juba.

Thursday 12 January

  • An SPLA spokesman claim American, British and Norwegian government officials met in Nairobi with SPLM (IO) representatives to plot a regime change. The Troika countries deny the allegation.
  • New Institute for Security Studies report: “Beyond ARCISS: New fault lines in South Sudan”

Saturday 14 January

  • President Salva Kiir issued a decree creating four new states in addition to the existing 28 states established in October 2015.
  • GOSS has reportedly banned foreign NGOs from operating in SPLA (IO)-controlled Payinjiar County, Unity State.

Sunday 15 January

  • President Salva Kiir dismissed the Central Bank governor, Kornelio Koryom Mayik, reportedly due to high inflation and the depreciation of the South Sudanese Pound (SSP) against the dollar.
  • The Guardian: “Makeshift justice the only recourse for ill-protected women at South Sudan camp”

This Week in South Sudan – Week 1

Monday 2 January

Tuesday 3 January

Wednesday 4 January

  • President Salva Kiir sacked two governors from the two newly-created states, Twic and Gogrial. General Gregory Deng Kuac was later appointed Governor of Gogrial and Brig. Gen. Kon Manyiel Kuol Governor of Twic State.
  • Hundreds of citizens, mostly women and children, have reportedly fled their homes due to killings and burning of houses along the Rimenze-Yambio road.
  • A new armed opposition movement, the National Resistance Front/Army, have been formed. The group is allied to former commissioner of Yei River County, Cosmas Bidali Wori-Kojo.
  • The Guardian: “Bookseller of Malakal brings words of comfort to war-torn South Sudan”

Thursday 5 January

were killed in separate clashes with the SPLA (IO).

  • South Sudan will resume oil production from the Unity oil fields within two-months.
  • Foreign Policy: “10 Conflicts to Watch in 2017 – South Sudan”
  • BBC: “The UN’s peacekeeping nightmare in Africa”

Friday 6 January

  • At least 10 people were killed and 10 wounded in separate attacks against vehicles at Khor Langa area and Jebel Kenyi areas along the Juba-Yei road.

Saturday 7 January

  • Former Governor of Western Equatoria, Baghazi Joseph Bakosoro, announced the formation of a new political party, the ’National Movement for Change (NMC)’.
  • The South Sudanese Pound weakened further against the U.S. dollar, as 1 USD sold for 105 SSP, a significant change from 1 USD at 90 SSP in December 2016.

Sunday 8 January

  • The Government of South Sudan and SPLA (IO) have issued separate statements in which both claim to have captured areas initially controlled by the opposing faction.
  • An estimated 12,000 cattle have been found in Likuangole village, Boma State. The cattle was confiscated by the government since it supposedly came from two different attacks in Jonglei State where Murle raiders were suspected of being the culprits.
  • The New York Times: “Can the African Union Save South Sudan from Genocide?”

This Week in South Sudan – Week 52

Wednesday 28 December

  • At least 15 people, including four government soldiers, have allegedly been killed in separate incidents in Torit town and surrounding villages in Eastern Equatoria over the past two weeks.
  • SPLA (IO) detained a government official and his Tanzanian pilot after their plane landed in Ganyiel area, a rebel-held territory in Unity State.

Thursday 29 December

Friday 30 December

  • Three SPLA (IO) army generals have reportedly defected to the SPLM (IO) faction led by Taban Deng Gai.

 Saturday 31 December

  • The SPLA conducted a disarmament campaign in Juba to recover illegal weapons and boost the security situation before the New Year’s celebrations.

 Sunday 1 January

This Week in South Sudan – Week 51

Monday 19 December

  • Meeting with representatives of the Transitional Government of National Unity and other peace partners, The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) decried the missed opportunities in 2016 to end the war.
  • At least six people are confirmed dead after a fuel tanker exploded at Sherikaat, a suburb of Juba.

Tuesday 20 December

Wednesday 21 December

Thursday 22 December

Friday 23 December

Monday 26 December

Tuesday 27 December

This Week in South Sudan – Week 50

Monday 12 December

  • The South Sudan President’s office issued a statement denying reports in which several officials and presidential guards claimed over USD 280 million was stolen.
  • HSBA Issue Brief: “Legitimacy, exclusion, and power: Taban Deng Gai and the South Sudan peace process”

Tuesday 13 December

Wednesday 14 December

Thursday 15 December

  • President Salva Kiir has ordered the national police leadership to shoot dead any armed person they fail to apprehend.
  • CNN: “We’re ignoring a possible genocide in South Sudan”
  • Al Jazeera: “Nowhere to run for the children of South Sudan”

Friday 16 December

Saturday 17 December

  • At least 17 people, including three women, were killed and nine others wounded in an attack by cattle raiders on Jalle area in the north of Bor town, Jonglei State.

Sunday 18 December

  • Petroleum Minister Ezekiel Lol Gatkouth arrived in Khartoum for talks with his Sudanese counterpart on the oil transit fees.
  • Voice of America: “Mass atrocities feared in South Sudan as ethnic violence is stoked by hunger”

This Week in South Sudan – Week 48 & 49

Tuesday 29 November

Wednesday 30 November

  • Representatives of the US and UN warned of possibilities of tension escalating in South Sudan, stating GOSS is “preparing for large-scale attacks in the coming days or weeks”.
  • Foreign Policy: “U.S. Push to Halt Genocide in South Sudan Unravels at United Nations”

Thursday 1 December

  • A UN commission on human rights in South Sudan has said a process of ethnic cleansing is underway in the country, involving massacres, starvation, gang rape and the destruction of villages. International media reports:
    • Reuters:South Sudanese flee as country edges closer to ‘genocide’”
    • Al Jazeera: “South Sudan denies UN allegations of ‘ethnic cleansing’
    • Voice of America: “UN: Ethnic Cleansing Under Way in South Sudan”
    • BBC: “South Sudan conflict: UN warns of ‘ethnic cleansing’”
  • 30 teachers were arrested after they protested over delayed wages in Jonglei state.

Friday 2 December

Saturday 3 December

Sunday 4 December

  • Salva Kiir and Riek Machar declined a proposal by South Africa President Jacob Zuma to meet each other in an attempt to build confidence, trust and dispel personal dislike.

Monday 5 December

Wednesday 7 December

Thursday 8 December

  • President Salva Kiir has ordered the deployment of additional troops to the oil-producing region, saying it will ensure the oil workers’ security and operations. 

Friday 9 December

Saturday 10 December

Sunday 11 December

  • The IGAD summit condemned in the strongest terms the reported systematic targeting, killings and forced displacement of civilians and destruction of property by armed men in South Sudan.

This Week in South Sudan – Week 47

Dear Readers, please note that there will be no news update next week. We will be back on Sunday December 11 with a two-week TWISS update for week 48 and 49.


Monday 21 November

  • A contingent of 350 Japanese peacekeepers, with a mandated to use force to protect UN staff and aid workers, arrived in Juba.

Wednesday 23 November

Thursday 24 November

  • President Salva Kiir and Omar al-Bashir agreed to open the borders between their two countries under a side-line meeting during the African-Arab summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

Friday 25 November

  • Aid organizations warn of soaring starvation threat numbers in South Sudan as the conflict spreads to rural areas, cutting farmers’ access to their agricultural lands.
  • The Yei Power operating company has ceased its operations over what it described as continuous insecurity compounded by unsustainable high operating expenses.
  • President Salva Kiir has nominated former internal affairs minister, Aleu Ayieny Aleu for the position of Secretary General for East African regional bloc (IGAD)

Sunday 27 November

  • The Government of South Sudan has agreed to accept the deployment of the UN Regional Protection Force after months of hesitation.