Month: February 2025

Contesting the AI-Cybersecurity Nexus: Lessons Learned from the United Kingdom

In an age where so-called artificial intelligence (AI) seems to revolutionise every corner of our lives, it’s no surprise that its intersection with cybersecurity has become a major focus for governments worldwide. Where cybersecurity and AI were previously seen as separate entities, they are increasingly merging together in policy discourse. The UK, who promotes itself… Read more »

Moscow Changes War Rhetoric but Stays War Course

The whirlwind of U.S.-initiated diplomatic activity in the last two weeks has compelled the Kremlin to alter the tone of its messaging on confrontation with the West and even the substance of its far-reaching propaganda campaign. The cliché of “Anglo-Saxon” hostility, a long-time theme in Moscow’s discourse, has disappeared together with the claim of breaking… Read more »

Moscow Seeks to Regain Initiative in the Game of Peace Talks

Jubilation in Moscow after the phone conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump on February 12 has given way to contemplations of the consequences and even to confusion caused by the barrage of statements from officials throughout the week (, February 12). During the conversation, Putin conveyed that “it was time… Read more »

How Colombia’s Disarmament Process Transformed Weapons Into Symbols of Peace

In 2016, the Colombian government and the guerrilla group FARC-EP ended their five decade-long war. As part of the peace agreement, FARC-EP’s weapons had to be collected, a process known as disarmament. By 2017, UN observers had received and removed over 8,112 guns, 1.3 million rounds of ammunition, 22 tons of explosives, 3,000 grenades and 1,000 landmines…. Read more »

Trump’s Logic of Deal-Making Versus Putin’s Logic of War-Making

As the Ukraine War approaches the grim mark of three years, it appears both ripe for an armistice and impossible to bring to an end. For US President Donald Trump, this war is a senseless waste of people and resources, which should be stopped immediately. For Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is an existential struggle… Read more »